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How to Maintain Your Home and Lower Your Homeowners Insurance Premiums

by Bill Garrity

Homeowners Insurance Massachusetts

Here are some suggestions on how to maintain your home to lower your homeowners insurance premiums:

  1. Shovel your sidewalks, entries and egressways. Also clear your roof of snow if possible.
  2. Shut off all outside faucets and sprinkler systems in the Fall.
  3. Have an annual check up on heating and furnace systems.
  4. Annual check all interior sinks, tubs, showers and toilets.
  5. Update all electrical wiring to at least circuit breakers.
  6. Repair or replace roof when necessary (every 20 to 30 years).
  7. Trim back all tree limbs overhanging roofs and sheds.
  8. Remove damaged or diseased trees and limbs prior to storms.
  9. Flush out water heaters in drainage hose annual which will extend its life and its heating element efficiency.
  10. Clean out gutters to prevent water seeping into basement or ice dam damage to ceilings and walls.
  11. Repair sidewalks, stairs, and secure or add railings.
  12. Every few years clean fireplace and furnace flues.
  13. Avoid space heaters.
  14. Remove clutter near furnace, electric heaters and baseboards.
  15. Don’t overload electrical circuits.
  16. No storage of combustibles or fuels in basement or garage.
  17. Consider safe deposit box usage for valuables.
  18. No smoking in bed.
  19. Central station alarms (burglar, fire, low temperature).
  20. Prior to purchasing your next dog, check with you agent to see if that breed may be on an insurance forbidden list.
  21. Swimming pools are okay, but diving boards and slides are problems.
  22. Don’t buy a trampoline. Insurance companies will probably cancel you if you do or if they find out about it. Trampolenes are severe injury concerns.
  23. Check operation of smoke detectors annual (at least).
  24. When you update your roof, plumbing, and fixtures, heating and electrical, call your agent as you may qualify for insurance company renovation credits.
  25. Place your home and auto insurance with the same carrier.

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