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ATV Insurance Massachusetts


What is ATV insurance?

All-terrain vehicles can be great fun to ride in Massachusetts and neighboring states, but precautions must be taken anytime they’re used on the trail. The most important precautions are using proper safety gear and riding responsibly. Another important precaution can be purchasing ATV insurance.

ATV insurance provides tailored coverage for all-terrain vehicles and four-wheelers. Policies can provide important protections when on the trail, on the roadside shoulder, or being trailered.

Who in Massachusetts should carry four wheeler insurance?

Four wheeler insurance isn’t required by Massachusetts law, but it’s broadly recommended for most riders who have ATVs. Not insuring can result in major costs if there’s an accident on the trail.

Riders who have leased or financed their ATV are likely required to carry certain coverages that protect the ATV against damage. Insurance is still recommended even if an ATV is paid for and coverages aren’t required, though.

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ATV Insurance Massachusetts

What protections does four-wheeler insurance offer?

Four-wheeler insurance policies can provide a variety of coverages, extending protection to both on and off the trail. Some coverages that are usually available include:

  • Personal Injury Protection (PIP): Typically protects against injuries suffered by individuals on the insured ATV during its operation.
  • Bodily Injury Liability Coverage: Typically protects against injuries to those not on the insured ATV, such as riders on other ATVs, bystanders, and others.
  • Comprehensive Coverage: Typically protects the ATV from non-collision related damages, such as those caused by falling debris, theft, fire or similar perils.
  • Collision Coverage: Typically protects against damages to the ATV from accidents with other vehicles, usually including either off-road vehicles or autos.
  • Accessories Coverage: Typically protects safety gear and accessories, usually including helmets, aftermarket upgrades, trailers, bags and similar items.
  • Property Damage Liability Coverage: Typically protects against damages inflicted on other ATVs or property during accidents.
  • Underinsured and Uninsured Motorist Coverage: Typically protects against accidents where another ATV rider is responsible, but doesn’t have sufficient insurance.

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Does auto insurance cover four-wheelers?

Standard auto insurance policies are intended to insure registered vehicles that go on public roads. They aren’t intended to insure off-road vehicles like four-wheelers. For that, an ATV policy is normally needed.

Does homeowners insurance cover four-wheelers?

Some homeowners insurance might indeed provide limited coverage for four-wheelers. Not all policies extend coverage, and those that do may only cover smaller models with lower horsepower. If it’s available, however, this can be a good option for insuring a small ATV.

An insurance agent who’s familiar with the coverage needs can check whether a homeowners policy provides sufficient protection for a specific four-wheeler. If coverage isn’t available through homeowners insurance, then an ATV policy is probably the best way to insure a four-wheeler. 

ATV Insurance Massachusetts

Can four-wheeler insurance be suspended in the offseason?

Suspending a four-wheeler policy altogether can leave the previously insured ATV unprotected against damage. A single incident could cost more than any premium savings, and even ATVs in storage can be damaged by falling tree branches, structural fire, vandalism, or theft. 

For this reason, completely suspending or canceling a policy during the winter isn’t recommended.

Instead, a better approach might be to modify coverages when a four-wheeler is in storage. Certain protections can be individually suspended and then reinstated when it’s time to begin using the four-wheeler again. 

An experienced insurance agent can help suspend coverages that aren’t needed during the offseason, and make sure important ones aren’t skipped.

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How much does it cost to insure a four-wheeler?

The premiums charged for ATV policies are based on numerous factors. An ATV’s size, value, stored location, and primary usage are just some of the details insurance companies look at. 

Premiums can vary from policy to policy because there are so many factors taken into account. Policies tend to still be affordable, though, and almost certainly cost less than a major accident could.

How can riders with four-wheelers in Massachusetts get ATV insurance?

If you need help insuring a four-wheeler, contact the independent insurance agents at Garrity Insurance. Our agents can help you compare ATV insurance policies from multiple insurers in Massachusetts, and get whichever one is best for your four-wheeler.

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